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About Us

Company information:
Registration Number: 977927-A
GST ID No: 001899053056

SASHWIN was founded in year 2002 as an Small Trading Enterprise and up graded to a Private Limited Company in 2012 in line with its business expansion. Sashwin is a Malaysia-based company specialising in international trade, importing and exporting a wide range of products including food, beverages, household products and designer clothing.

With the flexibility and ability to adapt to market conditions, Sashwin is constantly expanding. We offer value added services such as event management, product launch and research into market situation, channels, competitive advantage and feasibility studies to develop the product.

Sashwin aims to utilise the right channels, establishing a good relationship with our clients, which would lead to win-win agreements that make your cross-country business convenient.


Bridging the gap between producers and consumers through consistently creating value-added products and services which exceeds the cost of providing the products or services


We aspire to assist producers in reaching ready markets both in local and international.